2017 President

2017 Western Section President
Ralph Hammer
Kentucky Chapter


I started doing electrical work with my Father in my early teens.  In high school I was able to take classes in electrical wiring.  After graduating, I got an offer to work for the Treasury Department in Washington, D. C. as an electrical apprentice, after several years, due to economical cutbacks, I along with several others were laid off.  I got a job with an electrical contractor as an apprentice and soon got my journeymen electrical license and became a supervisor and estimator.  In the meantime, my wife, Joni, was hired as a secretary/bookkeeper with the same company.

I was drafted into the Army and served a year in Vietnam in Communications.  After returning to the states, I was stationed at Fort Knox and since my wife was from Kentucky, we decided to move there until my active duty was over.  We returned to Maryland working for the same contractor, but years later since housing was so expensive, we decided to move back to Kentucky and make it our permanent home.  We both got jobs pretty quickly and later on I decided to go into business for myself.  Don Bloyd, Chief Electrical Inspector called and offered me a job as an Electrical Inspector, since the economy was so bad, I took that offer.

So here I am today, 25 years later, a retired Electrical Inspector and President and still involved and active in the International Association of Electrical Inspectors.  I am also on the Board of Directors of the Electrical Clearing House of Louisville.  It has continuing education classes for electrical contractors, electricians and apprentices.

Thanks for the support my wonderful wife, I wouldn’t be here today!